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Offline bearorso

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We seem to be on the same wave length.

A bit too much BS /Hysteria is written at times. Bikes are Bikes. I like all of them, but prefer 2ts just that bit more than 4ts.

All I care about is that Equivalency is achieved, and the "handicap" system is burned to the ground.

Things are changing, and I hope that they will continue to do so. But, I'm not holding my breath. It could still take a while, at the very uppermost levels, due to the "foxes running the chicken coop".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline kim wedding

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2 strokes approved for the 13' supercross series
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2013, 04:33:18 PM »
I think people should be able to race any bike they want. Does'nt matter if you'r 16 or60 and want to race a 125.  There should be fair racing. I think classes should be by bike displacement,skill level,riders weight, age at the amateur level.What i mean by weight is for example 125 light weight class as well as middle weight and heavy weight class same rule's for 250, 500 2s or 4$.  The pro level you ride the class you want no matter you'r weight, age.

Riffraff i like the idea of both bikes 2s and 4s on the track at the same time,but the bike's seem to prefer different line's and i hate it when 4$ destroy 2s line's and i bet 4$ hate when 2s destroy their line's. 2s and 4$ have enough difference's to warrant different track's to show them at their best.  At the amateur level you need a criteria to advance rider's up through the rank's novice, intermediate, expert to keep racing fair but you still race the bike you want 125, 250 ,500 2s or 4$ at the pro level i think you should be allowed to ride what ever bike you want for as long as you want. 

I mean if a guy want's to be a 125 champion and only a 125 champion why should someone else tell him to move to the 250 or 500 2s or 4$ class.  Me personally i would want to be the winningist 125 2s rider ever and don't care to race any other size bike.  One more comment each bike 125,250, 500 2s and 4$ deserve their own championship it would encourge rider's to race their favorite bike and stop some people from sand baggin out of fear of being moved to a different class they might not be as good at. Just my humble opinion.  KIM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline bearorso

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2 strokes approved for the 13'' supercross series
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2013, 04:39:58 PM »
Well, VintageBlueSmoke, we certainly are Not on the same wave length when it comes to making the premier class as 350s. Within Any time frame.

F*** that idea, and the horse it came on!

The Premier class, should be about mastering the Big bikes, as well as the tracks. But, if a company /rider, wants to ride anything between 251c / 300, to 450 / hopefully bigger maximum capacity limit, go for it. Like it was in the 60s /70s /earlier 80s 500 era. Many different capacities were used, many different capacities, won.

The Sport has had too much dumbing down as it is.

125s - need to be back. Perhaps that's the only class I'd agree with having an age limit.

MX2 /250s, then MX1 - 450s - or "open". No Age limits. And No F***ing around with the capacity by lowering the maximum.

And No Handicap Rules.

Effing around with capacities, has truly been a disastrous thing for MX and Off Road in general. Throw Road Racing into it as well.

We need to get away from that - and Never Go there Again. Utter stupidity, and complete and total Bull S**T!

kim wedding:

4 Stroke, 2 Stroke lines - who gives a Flying ****? It's RIDERS lines. And, with a variety of types of bikes, and riders various styles, out on the track, we'll have an ever changing set of lines. The way it bloody well should be.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline kim wedding

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2 strokes approved for the 13'''' supercross series
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2013, 07:47:18 PM »
Bearorso 125's are great racing machine's as far as i'm concerned.It take's total commitment to ride them. Limiting them to kid's is crap how about someone telling you to ride a 125 over whatever it is you ride. Does'nt sound like you would like it very much. I've rode nothing but 125's and i'm 48 got friend's that ride all size's of bikes 2s &4$.

I win some lose some but i ride what i want. Beside's 125's are the most aggressive racing machine's ever made and kid's should'nt be the only one's to get to ride them.Most people i know that don't like 125's don't like the all or nothing riding style of them and that's not the bike it's the quality of the rider. If everyone run's a different displacement  and their's 20 different displacement's that just delude's the racing and make's it hard to have a class for each size bike.

As far as line's go on a mx track they can change from lap to lap we all know this. I don't like how 4$ destroy berm's  and have turned whoop's into wimp's. I'm a sand speciallist the rougher the track the better the more turn's the better. If it does'nt have a jump i'm cool with that. Don't get me wrong i love blue grove hard pack jump infested track's as well.I think it takes all kind's of track's to cover mx.Even if at time's it's 2s on the track one day and 4$ the next week and even mixed race's. Each displacement deserve's it's own class so does a run what you brung class one off's and full factory. If for no other reason than to show off new technologies.I do wish that at time's that all rider's had the same horsepower and torque number's to see who the best is and not who has more power in what ever displacement you ride.

Fair racing is what i'm about for you, me and everyone even 4$ rider's but seeing as to it's 2s that have been cheated the most my effort's go there beside's honestly their my passion. Let's flip the script and say if you win a 125 title, 250 title you have to move up to 500's and if you win the 500 title you have to move back to 125's.Seem's like alot of people telling someone else what to ride. SO RIDE WHAT YOU LOVE RIDING, RIDE FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN AS FAST AS YOU CAN....   KIM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline _X_

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2 strokes approved for the 13'''''''' supercross series
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2013, 09:23:43 PM »
Kim, thats why we are amatuers and they are pros. we do what we want and they are contracted to ride what thier team dictates. we have the power.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline kim wedding

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2 strokes approved for the 13'''''''''''''''' supercross series
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 10:28:16 PM »
Racer-x It must suck to be a pro rider. Ride what someone else say's or sand bag and be riddiculed by everyone else. Me i'm starting to think each size bike should have it's own sanctioning body. Then amateur and pro could ride what they want. No one telling you what to ride and no reason to sand bag. 125's or any size BIKE deserve rider's riding them who want to ride them.

Look at steve lamson on a 125 whipped everyone in mxdn. awesome 125 rider not so much of a 250 or 500 rider seem's to me he should of rode 125's alway's, except some stupid rule forcing him to move up.

Racerx I heard a rumor saying you were dragged out of you'r home and placed in a insane asylum i'm  sure i could get you placed in the asylum i'm currently being housed at.  My psychistrist DR RIPPIN is trying this new 2s treatment and he say's i'm making great progress. If i could just do something about the bed wetting. The answer is no i don't wet my bed just everyone else's. So here's to a early release.   KIM   >:-D

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline _X_

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sorry i perfer to be on the loose, but thanks though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline Stusmoke

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Fair enough. In Australia you're only allowed to work 10 hours a week. Its stupid. But it was a failsafe so that employers didn't smother the kids they had to pay less with work rather than give work to the ones they had to pay more so it makes sense.

Off topic. Its a good rule I think. Its probably not the best idea to have 12 year olds competing against 30 year olds like windham or however old he is now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »

Offline VintageBlueSmoke

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Sometimes limits are necessary for good judgement. The Open Class was ALWAYS limited to 500cc's. That is why there was a 500 class. With the expansion of the 2-stroke, then reed and power valves, bikes became too fast for conditions. Pro riders didn't want to ride them. Manufacturers had to force their paid riders in the class. Please realize that the class was diminishing before the manufacturers quit making them. 

Now with the 4-strokes at 450cc, the organizing bodies are looking at it and saying, "these bikes are developing too much power for conditions" and looking at lowering it yet again. Realize also that when the 450's 4$ took over, they were equivelent to the 250 2T - not the 500 2T - or even the big bore 4$ like Jacky Martins rode. That was the big coop. People (fans) wanted the 500 class but the organizers (and riders) don't - so they changed technology to keep it that way. When you look at MX3, you are not seeing the premier are seeing the MX1 "B" class.

Look, I have several open class bikes. I like them. I watch MX3 and I yearn for the days when the machines were monsters to be tamed by the best riders. But I also know that without limits, we would push ourselves until deaths occured. Several high profile ones like that and tracks will close. New ones will be affraid of lawsuits or not get permits. Manufacturers will pull out, not wanting to be associated with a Death Sport (Mercedes in 1955 and Montesa in the '60's, thus the creation of Bultaco) and the many sponsors who will pull support (re: Ayrton Senna's death). Sure, we should be free to do what we want, but professional sports should have FAIR and concise rules to protect us from ourselves as well as the investors in the Business.

Kim, I am also a big fan of the 125. I have raced them continuously for almost 40 years. What you say is true. I don't like being told I can't (even at my age) race Pro 125, but the idea is to make people ride the big bikes. Otherwise, new kids would not get the chance to come up. They instituted it after Guy Cooper was dominating even though he was 30+ years old but was uncompetitive in the 250 class. Of course he wan't the only one, but a lot of "older" guys were dropping down when they were no longer competitive on the bigger bikes. Teams wanted the big names and kids were not having a ride available.

Again, all this comes down to protecting the investment in the sport.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 04:00:00 PM by ' »
08 Speed Bird Quad 110, 08 KTM 144, 04 Suzuki LT-Z400, 03 Gas Gas EC, 300,97 Honda CR144, 96 Husky Boy 50, 88 Husky 400WR, 86 Honda CR125R, 80 Can-Am MX6 400, 75 Husky 360CR, 75 Husky 175CC, 73 Penton Jackpiner 175, 72 Husky 250CR, 72 Husky 125, 72 Rickman-Zundapp 125, (2) 71 Bultaco Pursang Mk